Warranty & Disclaimer

RCJ Powder Coatings Inc., (R.C.J.) warrants only item(s) coated by (R.C.J.) against significant flaking or rusting due to defects in workmanship by R.C.J. for a period not to exceed SIX (6) months from the date of invoice, unless agreed upon and documented by both parties. Other coating warranties are to be agreed upon (in writing) prior to coating application.

All parts received by R.C.J. must be able to withstand temperatures of at least 400° Fahrenheit. R.C.J. is not responsible for items that may be damaged due to baking of these temperatures. R.C.J. is also not responsible for damage to items removed per customer request.

This warranty excludes any damage to the item(s) which occurs during shipment, due to failures caused by products not supplied by R.C.J. and/or due to failures resulting from misuse, abuse, accident, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration or modification of the item(s) which in turn, causes premature corrosion or coating failure.

R.C.J. is not responsible for damage of parts due to the pre-treatment process. Potential problems may be discussed prior to blasting. R.C.J. will not blast parts if the customer does not agree to assume the risk of parts warping, excess blasting media getting trapped in areas of the parts, holes forming in thin metal areas, or any other damage not described herein.

R.C.J. does not mask off any areas or holes unless agreed to by the customer. Any tapping, reaming, machining or sanding of parts after coating is applied is the responsibility of the customer.

This warranty does not cover items that may rust or corrode due to the improper design, construction or fabrication of the item(s). Water traps or tight areas may not be able to be coated. These areas may lead to premature corrosion and are not the responsibility of R.C.J.

Cast aluminum and magnesium parts may experience an out-gassing and/or bubbling in the finished powder coat. We will take every precaution to avoid out-gassing; however, we will not be held responsible for bubbling caused by porous castings.

This warranty is void if the item(s) is taken apart or tampered with.

Any problem with this item(s) must first be reviewed by R.C.J.  R.C.J. reserves the right to determine what action, if any, will be taken to rectify the problem(s). This warranty does not cover repair of the item(s) by any other service provider.

This warranty is limited to the "original" purchaser.

There are no express warranties except as specifically set forth above. R.C.J. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of the item(s), or arising out of any breach of this warranty.

R.C.J. will not be responsible for any items not claimed after 2 weeks of completion.

Color variances due to changing material batches are not the responsibility of R.C.J. The Customer is responsible for reviewing and approving parts when they are picked up at R.C.J. or, if applicable, delivered to the Customer.